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New marine biosecurity rules for the Tasman-Nelson Region

These amendments aim to reduce the risk of invasion by Mediterranean fanworm (Sabella spallanzanii) and other marine pests, and bring Tasman-Nelson in line with the Marlborough District Council RPMP, so there is consistency in managing marine pests throughout the Top of the South. 

Tighter restrictions on vessel fouling 

Under the new rules, all marine craft entering the Tasman-Nelson region must comply with stricter biofouling standards. The level of fouling on a vessel's hull and niche areas cannot exceed Level 2 on the Cawthron Level of Fouling (LoF) scale, unless specific exemptions apply. Level 2 macrofouling is defined as: macrofouling is present in small patches, or a few isolated individuals or small colonies, and covers between 1 - 5% of the visible surface. 

Key changes include: 

  1. Person in charge of a palace (e.g. craft or structure) must destroy any Sabella found on that place. The infested place must be slipped or contained within an encapsulations system or rerated with biocide where practicable.
  2. Proof of compliance: Boat owners may be required to provide proof of haul-out to authorised personnel.
  3. Exemptions: Craft entering Tasman-Nelson for hauling out within 24 hours of arriving; craft entering for health and safety or emergency reasons.; craft usually moored in Tasman-Nelson that leave the region for no more than three days before returning.

Ongoing surveillance and eradication 

Any person who suspects they have observed Mediterranean fanworm in the Tasman-Nelson region must notify the relevant council within 24 hours of making the observation, detailing the location and situation of the suspected pest. 

Tasman District Council and Nelson District Council, along with Marlborough District Council and Ministry for Primary Industries, will continue to conduct regular surveillance for Mediterranean fanworm. If detected, the pest will be managed through a coordinated approach involving boat owners, marine operators, and council staff. 

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