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Since July 2021, Biosecurity New Zealand has been working in partnership with mana whenua, local government and communities in the upper North Island in a comprehensive response to exotic caulerpa seaweed.  

In recent months, dive teams have been undertaking intensive surveillance to monitor and manage the presence of Mediterranean fanworm (Sabella spallanzanii) in Waikawa Marina, Marlborough.

Changes to the Tasman-Nelson Regional Pest Management Plan (RPMP) that will impact boat owners and operators entering the region are now in effect. The new regulations highlight the importance of preventing the spread of invasive species to protect our marine environment.  

While most New Zealanders enjoyed their summer break, a team of biosecurity experts and divers were out and about inspecting the hulls of boats for marine pests across the Marlborough Sounds, Abel Tasman and Nelson Bays.

Learn from industry experts and scientists leading the marine biosecurity field in New Zealand.

2022 Partnership Meeting was held online, Wednesday 30 March.