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Postponement hull cleaning workshops, Nelson, Waikawa

The Marine Biosecurity workshops planned for 28 March in Nelson and 29 March at Waikawa have been postponed until Spring, recognising current concern around the spread of Covid-19.

We hope you enjoy some time on the water if you are required to self isolate to help prevent spread of the virus. Being in nature is good for both immunities and our state of mind in these difficult times.

Below is information on how to ensure you also prevent the spread of marine pests as you get out and about. Clean hulls and clean hands work the same way. Pests and disease don't get shared when they are removed.

Stay safe and we will see you in advance of hull maintenance in the Spring.

We are pleased that Altex Paints have committed to continue to support these valuable workshops whenever they can resume.

Anti Fouling Guidelines

The correct use of anti-fouling paints is critical for preventing spread of harmful biofouling organisms. Correct use means choosing the paint that's best suited to your vessel and its operating profile and applying it correctly so that it's effective. CLICK HERE for a guide to getting your anti-fouling right.