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Marine Biosecurity Partnership

Marine Biosecurity Partnership



30 January 2025

Top of the South Council's Marine Biosecurity Operational Plan 2024/26.

5 September 2023

In the Spring edition you can find out about the three webinars that were held in May and June, and if you missed out there is a link so you can still watch them online. There is also information about exotic caulerpa that is continuing to be found in new locations up north and what that means for Top of the South.

23 October 2023

Version 3.4 updated 23 October 2023.

14 August 2023

Incursions and Near Miss Register - updated 14 August 2023.

24 April 2023

In the Autumn edition you can find out about this summer’s biosecurity survey results, and a little bit about our diving team. There’s also information about the cruise season in New Zealand, and good news that the Greater Wellington Regional Council has declared interest in joining the TOS Partnership.

14 February 2023

In the summer 2023 edition you can read about how AIS is helping us find risk vessels; understanding patterns of recreational vessel movements around New Zealand; see the latest update on the bubble technology trials at Waikawa; and there’s a report on what happened in the Summer Survey.

23 November 2022

In the Spring edition of the Partners Newsletter you can find out how to identify and help stop the spread of Caulerpa, exotic seaweeds that have been found at Great Barrier and Great Mercury Islands. Also there is a report from the incident response exercise recently held in Nelson; an article on eDNA technology and molecular tools used in biosecurity surveillance; what's happening with the Top of the North Biosecurity Partnership; an exciting Undaria tool trial in Breaksea Sound; and an update on surveillance for Mediterranean fanworm in Marlborough.

25 July 2022

In our winter edition you can find out how Nelson Marina keeps marine pests at bay; learn about the parchment worm that has been causing concern in the Marlborough Sounds; and is fanworm being successfully eradicated? There is also an invitation to our marine biosecurity Incident Response Exercise coming up in September.

21 May 2022

Over the past few weeks we have joined forces with TON Marine Biosecurity to host a series of online marine biosecurity seminars - in the Autumn newsletter there are links to the recorded seminars that have already been held, as well as how to sign up for the ones that are still to be held. You can also find out about a new tool for reporting suspected exotic pests and diseases online; what we can expect over the next decade; and how fanworm was eradicated from Tutukaka north of Whangarei.

14 December 2020

Top of the South Council's Marine Biosecurity Operational Plan 2020/21.

9 August 2022

The purpose of this Manual is to provide an agreed process for TOS Marine Biosecurity Partners to respond to an incident that poses a marine biosecurity risk within the Top of the South Island region. Incidents include reports of marine risk organism incursions and suspect risk vectors. This Manual sets out guidance so that decisions and processes are approached in a consistent and agreed manner by all Councils and stakeholders with regional responsibilities under the Partnership. Current version 3.1 updated 9 August 2022.

21 December 2022

In the Summer edition the headlines include - Fanworm find in the summer survey ; a new non-native species of seaweed has been found in New Zealand; MPI is investing in research to advance treatment options for invasive species; and find out about the Marine Biosecurity Toolbox research programme aimed at protecting New Zealand’s marine environments from the impacts of non-indigenous species.

15 December 2024

Top of the South Island Marine Biosecurity Strategic Plan 2021 to 2030.

13 December 2021

Top of the South Island Marine Biosecurity Strategic Plan 2021 to 2030.

2 August 2021

In the Winter 2021 edition you can find out about new ways to keep marine pests at bay; Cawthron bilge water project; a fanworm find in Picton Marina; what Auckland is doing to step up control of marine pests; how the anti-fouling workshop went that was held in Nelson; and we’re looking for your feedback on biosecurity matters.

4 October 2021

In the Spring 2021 edition there is a feature on the Fiordland Marine Guardians; introducing our new look website; and read about how NZ boating clubs are developing standards on environmental responsibility.

10 January 2021

In the Summer edition read about what happened in our Summer biosecurity survey in the top of the south, as well as the Summer dive surveillance carried out by Marlborough District Council; find out about the Biosecurity Toolbox research programme, and a joint TOS fanworm programme. There is also a guide for using the new interactive data on our website.

28 September 2021

This booklet summarises the biosecurity rules and requirements applying to domestic vessels entering and operating in the Top of the South Island. The booklet provides a ready source of information for interested parties.

7 October 2020

Spring edition of the TOS Marine Biosecurity Partnership newsletter. There is a report on fanworm surveillance in the TOS, results of a Cawthron study on Mediterranean fanworm, and encouraging news from New Zealand's two biggest harbours. We are also happy to report that our anti-fouling workshops are back on track after being postponed due to Covid-19. We have three workshops scheduled for Wellington in November, and there will be further workshops in the Top of the South that are to be confirmed.

9 September 2020

TOS Marine Biosecurity Coordination Annual Report - 2019 to 2020.

24 August 2020

View a summary of the key findings from the latest summer survey, with a comparison to earlier year's surveys online. You can also find out about a new vessel risk profiling app that is being trialed; there is an opinion piece on the effects of the pandemic from the TOS Coordinator, and an update on the Marine Biosecurity Workshops that were postponed during the Covid-19 lockdown. There is also good news about the impacts of the sea squirt, Pyura doppelgangera.

30 April 2020

Fanworm incursions are being detected in TOS waters more than ever before, see the front page of our newsletter for more information. You can also find out about some interesting projects being undertaken - Port Nelson settlement plate project with schools; and Impacts and Mitigation of Microplastics project by Cawthron. There is an update from Biosecurity NZ, and what happened at the Waikawa marine life move which took place in March.

20 February 2020

Read about our annual Summer Survey and what has been found in the way of marine pests; there's great news about some major new funding for marine biosecurity research; and more than 1000 Mediterranean fanworm have been pulled from the water in and around Opua Marina.

23 September 2019

Find out what happened at this year's annual Partnership Meeting; what the results of the eDNA sampling campaign in Nelson and Tasman Bay were; and legal requirements about hull fouling for vessels coming through our national border.

4 September 2019

Full notes taken at the TOS Marine Biosecurity Partnership Meeting 2019.

4 September 2019

Presentation by Kate Lubarsky, Biosecurity NZ, at the TOS Marine Biosecurity Partnership Meeting 2019.

4 September 2019

Presentation by Peter Lawless, TOS Marine Biosecurity Coordinator, at the TOS Marine Biosecurity Partnership Meeting 2019.

4 September 2019

Presentation by Oli Floerl, Cawthron Institute, at the TOS Marine Biosecurity Partnership Meeting 2019.

4 September 2019

Presentation by Jono Underwood, Marlborough District Council, at the TOS Marine Biosecurity Partnership Meeting 2019.

9 August 2019

Details about recent Mediterranean fanworm incidents in both Waikawa and Nelson, and also the Mediterranean fanworm programme 2019/2020; there are new rules to be aware of for vessels visiting Marlborough; and find out how our hull cleaning workshops went.

25 July 2019

This report provides an overview of a summer survey of biofouling and marine pests on recreational vessels, coastal structures and seabed locations, which was conducted across the Top of the South (TOS) region in 2018/19. In addition, the report provides a synthesis of the latest data together with that collected from three earlier surveys conducted from summer 2015/16 through to summer 2017/18.

4 June 2019

The correct use of anti-fouling paints is critical for preventing spread of harmful biofouling organisms. Correct use means choosing the paint that's best suited to your vessel and its operating profile and applying it correctly so that it's effective. This is a guide to getting your anti-fouling right.

14 May 2019

In the Autumn Newsletter, you'll find some useful information about how to get your anti-fouling application right, as well as details of the free anti-fouling workshops being held in Nelson and Waikawa this month.

29 April 2019

Public invitation to the free antifouling workshop being held in Marlborough on Saturday 25 May 2019.

29 April 2019

Public invitation to the free antifouling workshop being held in Marlborough on Saturday 25 May 2019.

29 April 2019

Public invitation to the free antifouling workshop being held in Marlborough on Sunday 26 May 2019.

27 February 2019

In the summer 2019 newsletter you can find out what anti-fouling paint to use, results from the 2018/19 summer survey, what's happening with marine biosecurity in other regions, and learn about the Hector's dolphin app.

11 December 2018

Summary of marine rules for Marlborough.

9 November 2018

In our spring newsletter you'll find information about how you can help with the Summer boat hull survey that will begin shortly; new rules for marine pests in the top of the South Island; how to manage bilge water risks; and how a group of Nelson College for Girls students have brought marine biosecurity into the digital age.

4 August 2018

The winter newsletter features some items from the Partnership Meeting which was held in July and highlighted new science and technology in marine biosecurity.

10 August 2018

Notes from the Practitioners Workshop held on 24 July as part of the Joint Workshop.

10 August 2018

Notes from the Practitioners discussion held in the late afternnoon session of the Joint Workshop.

8 August 2018

Presentation by Ulla von Ammon, Cawthron, at the Top of the South Marine Biosecurity, NIWA and Cawthron Joint Workshop, 24 July 2018.

8 August 2018

Presentation by Samik Datta, NIWA, at the Top of the South Marine Biosecurity, NIWA and Cawthron Joint Workshop, 24 July 2018.

8 August 2018

Presentation by Patrick Cahill, Cawthron, at the Top of the South Marine Biosecurity, NIWA and Cawthron Joint Workshop, 24 July 2018.

8 August 2018

Second presentation by Oli Floerl, Cawthron, at the Top of the South Marine Biosecurity, NIWA and Cawthron Joint Workshop, 24 July 2018.

8 August 2018

First presentation by Oli Floerl, Cawthron at the Top of the South Marine Biosecurity, NIWA and Cawthron Joint Workshop, 24 July 2018.

8 August 2018

Presentation by Mike Taylor, MPI, at the Top of the South Marine Biosecurity, NIWA and Cawthron Joint Workshop, 24 July 2018.

8 August 2018

Presentation by Leigh Tait, NIWA, at the Top of the South Marine Biosecurity, NIWA and Cawthron Joint Workshop, 24 July 2018.

8 August 2018

Presentation by Lauren Fletcher, Cawthron, at the Top of the South Marine Biosecurity, NIWA and Cawthron Joint Workshop, 24 July 2018.

8 August 2018

Presentation by Javier Atalah, Cawthron at the Top of the South Marine Biosecurity, NIWA and Cawthron Joint Workshop, 24 July 2018.

8 August 2018

Presentation by Eugene Georgiades, MPI, at the Top of the South Marine Biosecurity, NIWA and Cawthron Joint Workshop, 24 July 2018.

8 August 2018

Presentation by Drew Lohrer, NIWA, at the Top of the South Marine Biosecurity, NIWA and Cawthron Joint Workshop, 24 July 2018.

8 August 2018

Presentation by Carla Muller, NIWA, at the Top of the South Marine Biosecurity, NIWA and Cawthron Joint Workshop, 24 July 2018.

8 August 2018

Presentation by Barrie Forrest, Cawthron, at the Top of the South Marine Biosecurity, NIWA and Cawthron Joint Workshop, 24 July 2018.

8 August 2018

Presentation by Anastasija Zaiko, Cawthron, at the Top of the South Marine Biosecurity, NIWA and Cawthron Joint Workshop, 24 July 2018.

8 August 2018

Presentation by Abraham Growcott, NIWA, at the Top of the South Marine Biosecurity, NIWA and Cawthron Joint Workshop, 24 July 2018.

6 August 2018

This report describes a summer survey of biofouling and marine pests on recreational vessels and structures across the Top of the South region. The survey focused on locations outside the main vessel hubs, and included areas commonly visited by boaters from other regions.

31 July 2018

TOS Marine Biosecurity Coordination Annual Report - July 2017 to June 2018.

4 July 2018

In our Autumn newsletter you'll find an update on the 2018 summer survey, an article on new techniques being tested using DNA surveillance for known marine pests in the top of the South Island, find out about the science and technologies of marine biosecurity workshop taking place in July, and we have a guest spot with Northland Regional Council reporting on the results of vessel hull surveillance in Northland.

4 July 2018

Tasman District Council Sabella Small Scale Management Programme Declaration dated 1 July 2017.

4 July 2018

Nelson City Council Sabella Small Scale Management Programme Declaration dated 1 July 2017.

4 July 2018

Tasman District Council - Sabella Small Scale Management Programme. The purpose of this SSMP is to set out the measures that TDC will use to manage the impacts of Sabella in the district in the next three years.

4 July 2018

Nelson City Council - Sabella Small Scale Management Programme. The purpose of this SSMP is to set out the measures that NCC will use to manage the impacts of Sabella in the district in the next three years.

9 May 2018

Guide to intertidal cleaning and anti-fouling of vessel hulls in Tasman and Nelson.

9 May 2018

Guide to in-water cleaning of vessel hulls in the top of the South Island.

28 March 2018

Technical Guidance on Biofouling Management for Vessels Arriving to New Zealand, by MPI. March 2018.

28 February 2018

The summer newsletter features the latest Summer Survey work, a new floating dock for the Top of the South, new biosecurity border standards, future management of Undaria in Fiordland, and how fanworm suppression is working so far.

30 October 2017

Find out what happened when a small scale management programme for Mediterranean fanworm, Sabella, was declared in the Tasman District recently. Learn what to do if you find a suspected marine pest. Read about how hull maintenance practices are a key in containing the spread of marine pests, and how we did in the inaugural NZ Biosecurity Awards.

20 September 2017

Map showing movements of vessel 'Acquasition' in the Marlborough Sounds between November 2016 and April 2017.

15 August 2017

The TOS Marine Biosecurity Partnership has focused some of its activities on better understanding and managing biofouling risks from recreational vessel movements. Work over the last two summers has included biofouling assessments of recreational boats from across the TOS region, along with surveys of boaters to better understand their voyage habits and maintenance practices. Simultaneous with the summer work, biofouling assessments and boater surveys have been undertaken by appropriately-trained travel-lift operators at the Nelson and Waikawa hard-stands. The first part of this report describes the hard-stand survey work, and compares the results to previous summer survey findings. In the second part of the report, combined data from the summer surveys and hard-stand study are used to explore the extent to which levels of fouling on recreational vessels are related to boater practices with respect to antifouling, cleaning and boat usage, as these are all recognised risk factors.

15 August 2017

The TOS Marine Biosecurity Partnership has focused some of its activities on better understanding and managing biofouling risks from recreational vessel movements. Work over the last two summers has included biofouling assessments of recreational boats from across the TOS region, along with surveys of boaters to better understand their voyage habits and maintenance practices. Simultaneous with the summer work, biofouling assessments and boater surveys have been undertaken by appropriately-trained travel-lift operators at the Nelson and Waikawa hard-stands. The first part of this report describes the hard-stand survey work, and compares the results to previous summer survey findings. In the second part of the report, combined data from the summer surveys and hard-stand study are used to explore the extent to which levels of fouling on recreational vessels are related to boater practices with respect to antifouling, cleaning and boat usage, as these are all recognised risk factors.

4 July 2017

Find out about the combined Regional Pest Management Plan and Pathways Plan proposed by the Northland Regional Council. Peter Lawless, Coordinator of TOS Marine Biosecurity shares the Partnership Annual Report. A regional update from Marlborough on Sabella and Styela, the discovery of more invasive Undaria plants in the waters of Fiordland, and a chance to enter the NZ Biosecurity Awards although you'll have to be fast as entries close on 7 July.

16 June 2017

Notes from the TOS Partnership Meeting 2017.

16 June 2017

Small scale management of Sabella presented by Jono Underwood, Marlborough District Council.

16 June 2017

Progress with Sabella and Styela presented by Colin Johnston, Aquaculture NZ.

16 June 2017

Hull fouling at the border presented by Tracey Bates, MPI.

16 June 2017

Proposed Northland Regional Pest and Marine Plan and Pathway Plan presented by Sophia Clark, Northland Regional Council.

16 June 2017

Fiordland Pathways Plan, presentation by Shaun Cunningham, Environment Southland.

16 June 2017

Recreational Vessel Summer Survey, presented by Barrie Forrest, TOS Marine Biosecurity.

16 June 2017

TOS Marine Biosecurity Partnership Annual Report 2017 - presented by Peter Lawless, TOS Marine Biosecurity Coordinator.

24 May 2017

This report describes a summer monitoring survey of fouling and marine pests on recreational vessels across the Top of the South, as well as marine pest checks on a subset of associated moorings and other structures. The survey focused on locations outside of the main vessel hubs, and included areas commonly visited by boaters from other regions. The key findings described reinforce the potential role of recreational vessels in the spread of marine pests, and highlight the importance of managing this pathway effectively.

24 May 2017

This report describes a summer monitoring survey of fouling and marine pests on recreational vessels across the Top of the South, as well as marine pest checks on a subset of associated moorings and other structures. The survey focused on locations outside of the main vessel hubs, and included areas commonly visited by boaters from other regions. The key findings described reinforce the potential role of recreational vessels in the spread of marine pests, and highlight the importance of managing this pathway effectively.

28 March 2017

Find the latest update on the Mediterranean fanworm (Sabella spallanzanii), be aware of new pathways plans for Northland and Southland, find out about what's been happening with our recreational boat surveys over the summer, and a guest spot for Cawthron who talk about biofouling in internal pipework of recreational vessels.

31 October 2016

In our October newsletter you can learn more about the recent find of fanworm in Tarakohe, Golden Bay. Pete ponders about diseases that adversely affect marine organisms, Barrie discusses choosing the correct antifouling, there is an update from MPI, and read about the Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge.

3 August 2016

Find out what Mana Marina in Wellington is doing for marine biosecurity risk reduction, and learn about Fiordland's pathway plan proposal. Peter shares some of his learnings from recent overseas travels, and Barrie has some results from the Summer survey work. You'll also find out who the lucky person is who won the free lift and clean after filling out our questionnaire.

6 July 2016

The Top of the South (TOS) Marine Biosecurity Partnership has been focusing some of its activities on better understanding and managing biofouling risks from recreational vessel movements. There are several thousand recreational vessels at marina berths or on swing moorings in the TOS region, as well as vessels that visit from areas outside the TOS. This study found that recreational vessels pose a significant biosecurity risk to many of the locations with important values in the Top of the South (TOS).

29 June 2016

Find out the results of the summer recreational boat survey, Pete ponders about vessel hygiene, Barrie discusses incursions and marine pests present and past, and there's information about NIWA's new research programme.

14 June 2016

This report sets out work completed for the Top of the South Marine Biosecurity Partnership for 1 July 2015 to May 2016. This is an interim report and the final will be made after 30 June 2016 for the Management Committee.

11 June 2016

Meeting notes from the 2016 TOS Marine Biosecurity Partnership Meeting held on 27 May.

11 June 2016

Notes from the Incident Simulation Exercise held at the 2016 TOS Marine Biosecurity Partnership Meeting.

11 June 2016

Presentation by Peter Hart, Mana Marina, at the 2016 TOS Marine Biosecurity Partnership Meeting.

11 June 2016

Presentation by Irene Middleton, Northland Regional Council, at the 2016 TOS Marine Biosecurity Partnership Meeting.

11 June 2016

Presentation by Richard Bowman, Environment Southland, at the 2016 TOS Marine Biosecurity Partnership Meeting.

November 2015

In our November newsletter you can find out what's been happening with Styela and Sabella in Picton and Waikawa, what was learnt from the Saxon Onward, and check out the "Is your bum clean" campaign being launched this summer.

30 June 2015

Cawthron Institute was contracted to collate information on: (i) risk pathways into and within the TOS region; (ii) current approaches to managing biosecurity risks from vessels; and (iii) existing and in-development treatment tools and other risk mitigation measures including their regional availability, and the feasibility and costs of their implementation.

24 June 2015

In our newsletter this month you'll find a report on what happened at the annual Partnership Meeting held in May, Barrie's Bilge talks about the case for pathways management, there is a message from our outgoing Chair Lindsay Vaughan, there are also updates on what marine pests are invading the seas in the Tasman region, Nelson and Picton Port survey results, and our guest spot is Bay of Plenty Regional Council - find out what they've been doing to manage pests in their region.

28 May 2015

Presentation by Rebecca Clarkson, Aquaculture NZ, at the TOS Partnership Meeting 2015. Aquaculture perspectives on pathways.

28 May 2015

Presentation by Annabel Young, NZ Shipping Federation, at the TOS Partnership Meeting 2015. Marine transport perspectives on pathways.

28 May 2015

Presentation by Barrie Forrest, TOS Partnership Scientist, at the TOS Partnership Meeting 2015. The technical basis for pathways management.

28 May 2015

Presentation by Rose Bird, MPI, at the TOS Partnership Meeting 2015. MPI's work on national marine pathways.

28 May 2015

Presentation by Hamish Lash at the TOS Partnership Meeting 2015. Bay of Plenty approach to Sabella incursion.

28 May 2015

Presentation by Irene Middleton and Don McKenzie, Northland Regional Council, at the TOS Partnership Meeting 2015. Cutting edge approaches to marine biosecurity in Northland.

28 May 2015

Presentation by Peter Lawless, TOS Partnership Coordinator, at the TOS Partnership Meeting 2015. Making pathways management work in a regional context.

28 May 2015

This report sets out work completed for the Top of the South Marine Biosecurity Partnership for 1 July 2013 to May 2015. This is an interim report for the Partnership meeting in May with a final to be provided for the management committee at the end of June 2015.

28 May 2015

Notes from the TOS Partnership Meeting held on 22 May 2015.

31 March 2015

Help stop these marine pests spreading in the Top of the South - A2 poster.

24 March 2015

The feature this month is Bruce Lines of Diving Services NZ who has been at the forefront of wrapping up vessels and structures since this technology was first used as part of the Didemnum response in Marlborough a decade ago. Pete ponders on pathways, a decade on, and the guest spot belongs to Cawthron Institute.

21 December 2014

This short report highlights vessel sea-chests as an important marine biosecurity risk to the TOS.

2 December 2014

Our newsletter for December features the fishing vessel Voyager P which was wrapped in plastic in Port Nelson to remove the biosecurity risk associated with its highly fouled hull. There is an article on Envirolink, Pete's Pondering on pathways planning, and a special guest spot with Environment Southland talking about the Fiordland Marine Pathway Management Plan.

16 September 2014

The feature article this month is about floating docks - an important tool in the kit for treating hull bio-fouling. There is an update on what is happening with new pests to the region, and Pete is pondering about a Pathways Plan proposal.

30 June 2014

This report describes a survey of hull fouling on 528 recreational vessels in the TOS that was conducted in summer 2014, which repeats monitoring undertaken in summer 2013. Vessels inspected consisted of 459 in Nelson marina, and 69 on swing moorings in Nelson Harbour (19) and Waikawa Bay (50).

18 June 2014

The feature article is Pathway Management for TOS. Barrie talks about Partnership Meeting Science Perspectives, and boat fouling levels in the Top of the South. Peter presents highlights from the Annual Report. Plus new national biosecurity requirements for all vessels entering New Zealand were announced in May - find out more.

14 June 2014

Notes from the TOS Partnership Meeting held in May 2014.

14 June 2014

Presentation by Barrie Forrest, Partnership Scientist, at the TOS Partnership Meeting, May 2014.

14 June 2014

Presentation by Captain David Duncan and Thomas Marchant, Port Nelson, at the TOS Partnership Meeting, May 2014.

14 June 2014

Presentation by Bruce Lines, Diving Services Ltd, at the TOS Partnership Meeting, May 2014.

14 June 2014

Presentations by Peter Lawless, Partnership Coordinator, at the TOS Partnership Meeting, May 2014. First presentation is the Annual Report, second presentation is the Pathways Project.

9 June 2014

Cawthron Institute was commissioned by Marlborough District Council under the Ministry of Science and Innovation's Envirolink medium advice grant scheme to conduct a desktop assessment of key technical information relating to this species, and provide an evaluation of the invasion potential and considerations for management within the Marlborough region. At the inception of the report Sabella was not believed to be present in the region, however in late February 2014, a small population was discovered on a boat moored in Waikawa Bay. As such, information regarding Sabella's biology, likelihood of establishment, potential for further spread, and impacts on key values is particularly timely.

9 June 2014

Cawthron Institute was commissioned by Marlborough District Council under the Ministry of Science and Innovation's Envirolink medium advice grant scheme to conduct a desktop assessment of key technical information relating to this species, and provide an evaluation of the invasion potential and considerations for management within the Marlborough region. Information regarding Pyura's biology, likelihood of establishment, potential for further spread, and impacts on key values will enable effective decision-making around any future eradication or containment efforts.

7 March 2014

The feature article is on pathway management, Barrie discusses what we are learning from recent pest incursions, and Peter discusses the importance of networking.

10 February 2014

The clubbed tunicate, Styela clava is a type of sea squirt, and in New Zealand is a marine pest formally designated as an unwanted organism under the Biosecurity Act. In early June 2013, four Styela individuals were found in the inner part of Picton marina, representing the first reported range extension of Styela into Marlborough. The purpose of this report is to provide background technical information on the biology of Styela, summarise the results of two Styela surveys, and discuss some of the key requirements and considerations for effective management.

11 December 2013

Our newsletter this month features a story on the recent finding of Mediterranean fanworm in Nelson and what is being done about it. There is also an update on Styela clava in Picton, and an article on how to keep hitchhiking pests off your boat.

7 October 2013

Find out about Marine Pathways, and why it's not just hull fouling that spreads marine pests.

12 August 2013

Find out about how the discovery of the clubbed tunnicate Styela clava in Picton during the MPI/NIWA High Risk Site Survey in June 2013 tested our response capabilities.

28 June 2013

In summer 2013, hull fouling status was surveyed on 577 vessels in the top of the south island, consisting of berths and pile moorings in Nelson marina, and a small number of swing moorings in Nelson Harbour and Waikawa Bay. This report outlines the findings.

10 June 2013

A marine biosecurity incursion exercise was conducted by the Top of the South Marine Biosecurity Partnership at Port Nelson on 15 May 2013. The aim of this exercise was to test the effectiveness of the top of the South Partnership response procedures in the event a marine biosecurity threat is discovered. A secondary aim was for participants to learn by being involved or observing the exercise.

4 June 2013

This report to the Nelson City Council reviews actions taken on notification of an incursion of the fanworm Sabella spallanzanii in Nelson Harbour. Identification has been confirmed but spawning is unlikely to have occurred due to immaturity of the specimens examined and that there appeared to be a single age class of worms on the vessel.

21 May 2013

Presentation on Pest Pathways, by Mark Newton, Cawthron, at the Partnership Meeting, May 2013.

21 May 2013

Presentation on marine farming, by Colin Johnston, Aquaculture NZ, at the Partnership Meeting, May 2013.

21 May 2013

Presentation on the Government Industries Agreement, presented by Lois Ransom, MPI, at the Partnership Meeting, May 2013.

21 May 2013

Presentation on Fanworm in Northland, by Don McKenzie, Northland Regional Council, at the Partnership Meeting, May 2013.

21 May 2013

Presentation of TOS Annual Report by Peter Lawless, Coordinator, TOS Marine Biosecurity Partnership, at the Partnership Meeting, May 2014.

10 May 2013

The summer survey found over a third of vessels on swing moorings in Nelson Haven were highly fouled with encrusting organisms - find out more.

29 April 2013

This guide contains the top 11 marine pest species that we don't want in New Zealand. You can help us by reporting any suspect marine animal or plant.

29 April 2013

Read a summary of the Top of the South Marine Biosecurity Strategic Plan 2013.

3 April 2013

Find out about how we were involved in Seaweek, our boat fouling survey, and the feature marine pest.