Marine Biosecurity Seminar Series 2022
Learn from industry experts and scientists leading the marine biosecurity field in New Zealand.
Watch videos of the seminars.

Marine Biosecurity in Aquaculture
Why biosecurity matters for aquaculture
How aquaculture can be a vector
How the industry is managing biosecurity
Opportunities to improve
with Dave Taylor,
Technical Director, Aquaculture New Zealand

Marine pests in the Top of the South region
Overview of pests in the region
Port clearance work
NIWA Port surveys
What Summer Surveys show us Incidents over time
Future threats and what we can do about them
with Barrie Forrest,
Principal Senior Scientist - Salt Ecology

The important role of marinas
Why marinas are strategic for biosecurity
Marinas share their experiences:
The Nelson story
The Tutukaka story
The Westhaven story
with Nigel Skeggs of Nelson Marina, Karenza Harris of Westhaven Marina, and Dylan Lease of Tutukaka Marina

Current marine biosecurity science
Showcasing two areas of research in the Marine Biosecurity Toolbox:
1. Modelling NZ’s maritime transport system
2. Citizen science and opportunities for involement
with Oliver Floerl and Xavier Pochon,
Marine Biosecurity Toolbox

Practical demonstration for boat operators
Ask experts:
How do I keep my boat clean?
What are my antifoul options?
How can I spot a marine pest?
What are the rules?
with special thanks to Gulf Harbour Marina,
PropSpeed and CopperCoat
Drop in session - no RSVP required

The next big biosecurity threat
What is Caulerpa brachypus?
Why this is considered a major threat?
Where is it and what are we doing?
What are the implications?

Marine pests in the Top of the North
An overview of the TON Marine Biosecurity Partnership
Overview of marine pests in the regions
What our surveillance programs show us
Positive impact of education
An overview of the Clean Hull Plan
with marine biosecurity specialists: Samantha Happy of Auckland Council, Kaeden Leonard of Northland Regional Council, Hamish Lass of Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Marine Biosecurity Pathways